#IAmHisFirst... How it came to be...

Many of us have had the "I hear you Lord" moment.  When we learn how to ask God about our decisions, we have to be willing to act on what He says.  In 2008 I had one of my many, "I hear you Lord" moments.  I was torn between being a part of "history" or being a part of "His-story".  I know many of us, as believers have faced that same dilemma with situations in life.  For me, my dilemma had less to do with going outside what was popular at that time, but just making sure that I was hearing from the Lord.  During that time of seeking God, He reminded me that this was about His story, and it was during one of those times of prayer that He spoke to me "I Am His First".   Holy Spirit said before I am ANYTHING, I am HIS!  So everything I see myself as, comes after Him!  I am HIS, I am a Christian, I am a worshipper, I  am a woman, I am a wife, I am a mother, I am a grandmother, I am a daughter, I am a sister, I am a woman of color, I am an entrepreneur, I am a singer, I am a dancer, I am a friend, I am a seamstress, I am a cook, ...the list goes on. God reminded me that whatever I identify most as, is the thing that I love.  He is my first love, and I choose to put Him before everything else.  Because of where I place Him, I know that Matthew 6:33 is real in my life.  If I place Him and HIs Kingdom before everything, He will take care of everything!  Since 2008, I have done a self check with many situations in my life...just to be sure that I am always His First.!  I am grateful that Holy Spirit downloaded this into me, it has made it so much easier to make choices in my life.  I pray the Blessings & Favor of God overtake you and you become His First!  
